General information on VCCI Council 2022 Elections
The Council is comprised of 16 members of the private sector, experienced in managing their own businesses and dedicated to advancing their industry sectors. By serving on the Council, these members exercise a major impact on the strategic direction of the VCCI. Recognized for their contributions by the business community, the Council members support VCCI in its mission to develop and support economic growth for all business types in Vanuatu.
The Council is comprised of 16 elected positions, each serving two-year terms. Elected Council members serve as individuals; however, to be nominated for and serve on the Council, a person must be a member of the association for the sector they represent, if such an association exists. This year 8 seats are available for the election at this year’s Annual General Meeting, set for Thursday 23 June 2022.
Council Composition
- one individual engaged in agriculture nominated by the elected members of the Council of the Capital Chamber;
- one individual nominated by the elected members of the Capital Chamber Council from female nominees whose names are put forward by any group or groups representing women in Vanuatu;
- 14 individuals elected to represent the following sectors of trade, commerce and industry:
- 1 representative of the manufacturing industry
- 1 representative of the construction industry
- 2 representatives of the tourism industry
- 1 representative of the shipping industry
- 1 representative of the land transport industry
- 1 representative of the air transport industry
- 2 representatives of the financial and commercial services industry
- 1 representative of the utilities industry
- 2 representatives of small businesses
- 2 representatives of larger businesses
Positions on the Council for election in 2022
The Council is looking to fill the following 8 positions at this year’s Annual General Meeting.
- 1 representative of the tourism industry
- 1 representative of the financial and commercial services industry
- 1 representative of the manufacturing industry
- 1 representative of the construction industry
- 1 representative of larger businesses
- 2 representatives of small businesses
- 1 representative of the land transport industry
Any individual holding a business license can be nominated as a candidate for the Council. Nominees are required to be supported by two individuals in their industry sector. Individuals should be nominated for their experience, personal integrity and commitment, not solely for their social standing or business nor political affiliation.
Nomination Process
Nomination forms must be sent to VCCI and be received during the nomination period. The nomination period will run for 4 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations will be accepted up until the close of business Friday 17 June 2022.
Nominations must be made or approved by the Primary Contact of the member association making the nomination, if such an association exists.
Accepting Nominations
Nominees must email formal acceptance to VCCI during the nomination period. Nominations not formally accepted by the nominee by the end of the nomination period will be considered withdrawn.
A list of these accepted nominees will be published in the Daily Post on Saturday 18 June 2022, and on the VCCI website.
Early nominations are strongly encouraged.
Nominees are encouraged to submit their documentation as soon as possible, to ensure adequate time to review.
Voting by proxy
Voting by proxy is possible by using proxy forms available from the VCCI office or downloaded from the VCCI website. Proxy votes must be received by close of business on Wednesday 22 June 2022.
Please note, as COVID is making travel challenging this year we will be accepting proxy votes by email, and or hard copy. They do not need to be physically carried and presented at the AGM by a business person of the same category of which seat you are voting for. For more information on this please email, or call Reception on 27543.
Election of new Council members
The number of candidates, equal to the number of vacant positions, receiving the highest number of votes of members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting 2022 shall join the Council. In the case of a tie, a winner shall be selected among the tied candidates by a random process chosen and conducted by the election administrator, witnessed by one or more uninterested parties. The election results, including number of votes for each candidate and any tie resolution, shall be announced to the members of VCCI via email communications.
Further details on the VCCI Council can be requested by contacting VCCI Reception by email:, or by phone on 27543.