Programs and Partners


Business Link Pacific (BLP)

Business Link Pacific (BLP) enables small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to access better quality business advisory services that help Vanuatu business develop and grow.

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Vanuatu Young Entrepreneurs Council

VYEC’s main objective is to develop a national advocacy and technical entity to advocate for a business environment that facilitates and promotes young entrepreneurship.

Vanuatu Business Resilience Council

The VBRC is hosted by the VCCI and provides a coordination mechanism for the private sector to engage with government and partners on resilience building, response and recovery activities.


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Phama Plus

The Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access Program (PHAMA) provides practical and targeted assistance to help Pacific island countries manage regulatory aspects associated with exporting primary and value-added products. This encompasses gaining access for products into new markets, and helping to manage issues associated with maintaining and improving existing trade.

PHAMA is entering its first phase and re-launch as PHAMA PLUS, focusing on kava and cocoa exports from November 2018 to June 2022.

VCCI is proud to partner with the PHAMA team, and be an active member of PHARMA Plus’s Market Access Working Group.

PHAMA is an Australian Government initiative, co-funded by the New Zealand Government and based in Vanuatu at the VCCI.

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USAID Climate Ready

Pacific Island countries are experiencing the negative impacts of climate change in a range of ways. USAID’s Climate Ready project is focused on helping Pacific Island countries to become more climate resilient and to better protect the lives and livelihoods of their citizens.

VCCI is currently partnering with the USAID Climate Ready program, rolling out business preparedness and continuity training workshops for small to medium sized businesses across three provinces WHICH?. For more information please contact

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International Labor Organisation

The International Labor Organisation (ILO) has been operating in the Pacific since 1995. The primary objective of the ILO Office for Pacific Island countries is to assist Pacific Island Governments and Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations in their efforts to reduce “Decent Work” deficits (as part of a global goal) and to pursue development for dignity through the achievements of rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.

The ILO has been promoting Decent Work through various means of action including technical co-operation in Pacific Island countries.

The ILO has been instrumental in supporting the set up and development of employers’ representation and activities in Vanuatu through the VCCI/VEO. The ILO directly supported the inception of the Vanuatu Young Entrepreneurs Council and continues to provide support to VYEC to deliver its activities.


Vanuatu Employers Organisation

VCCI is currently in the process of revitalising the Vanuatu Employers Organisation (VEO) under new Council direction in 2019. The VEO is a standing committee in charge of representing the employers of Vanuatu in relation to labour issues and industrial relations.

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Tripartite Labour Advisory Council

The Tripartite Labour Advisory Council (TLAC) is a government, employers and workers union collective formed under the Vanuatu Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Council provides advice and recommendations to the Minister of Internal Affairs on any matters related to labour, work permits, labour mobility schemes, the Employment Act and other related legislation.

VCCI/VEO has three Employers’ representatives who are members of TLAC. The current Chairman of TLAC is the Vanuatu Government’s Commissioner of Labour Department.

Green Climate Fund

The GCF is an international fund designed to help developing countries respond to effects on climate change by investing in low- carbon resilient development. Countries can access GCF finance through three funding windows: adaptation, Mitigation and private sector facility. GCF aims to balance its allocation between adaptation and mitigation while significantly allocating resource to engage the private sector. Furthermore, nearly half of the adaptation pool is expected to be allocated to least developing countries (LDCs), small developing states (SIDs) and African states.

The project delivery partner is the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. GGGI has an MoU with VCCI for the implementation of this project. GGGI provides technical support in energy, water and tourism sector of Vanuatu.