VCCI needs you to participate in our Industry Skills Survey
Dear members,
Do you need more SKILLED WORKERS in your business?
Skilled workers are an asset for any business as they are responsible in delivering quality services that build a business’s reputation and ongoing success. Right now we are facing a skill shortage in several key industry sectors, and VCCI are doing something about it. We are partnering with the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) to undertake a private sector led Industry Skills survey, which will find out what skills we, the private sector, need our local TVET providers to focus on to address the growing need for skilled staff.
The survey will also create a recommendations report, or skills plan, which can be used for advocacy and lobbying purposes that we can refer to when sitting down with decision makers. It also captures information on the effects, both positive and negative, of our labour mobility programs have had on the private sector over the past 12 months.
We encourage you to please participate in this timely and relevant survey. You can either complete it yourself by clicking here, or make an appointment for one of our friendly staff to come and do it with you.
It takes up to 15 minutes to complete. Our teams will be covering Efate, Santo, Malekula and Tanna in person. Call 27543, or email Marineth at to book an appointment.
We thank you and promise to disseminate the findings as soon as we can. It is open until the end of October so please make time to complete it before then.
The VCCI team