Praevet sekta Grin Klaemet Fand Redines Projek
Vanuatu Bisnis Resiliens Kaonsel (VBRC) hemi wan standing komiti blong VCCI mo i glad blong mekem tok save abaot tufala niufala lokol consalten we bae oli statem wok mo karemaot ol wok blong wan niu Grin…

Introdaksen i go long niufala kaonsel blong VCCI blong 2019
Vanuatu Jemba blong Komes mo Indastri hemi bin holem wan Anul Jenerol Miting long Tusde 10 Mei. Wetem ova long 100 bisnis man we oli bin atendem mo hemia nao nem blong ol memba we oli bin elektem olgeta…

Wan wei o Rod blong VCCI blong muv i go long foret – Mesej blong Presiden Shaun Gilchrist
Mi bin kam Presiden blong VCCI long 1 Jenuri long yia ya mo stat long taem ya, ol memba blong kaonsel mo ol staf oli bin tekem wan difren lukluk long olsem wanem nao Jemba i stap wok. Mifala i bin akseptem…

Bisnis Prepednes planning woksop long Santo, Malekula mo Tanna
Ova long wan handred bisnis ona mo
opereta long ol tri provinsol lokesen we oli bin komplitim intensif wan dei
woksop long Bisnis Prepednes planing blong kasem ol save long saed blong
bildimap risiliens…

Wanem Vanuatu Business Resilience Council?
Vanuatu Bisnis Risiliens Kaonsel ( VBRC) I bin kam antap long leit 2017 tru long sapot blong UNDP Konek Bisnis Initiatif (CBI) mo hemi wan standing komiti long Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce mo Industry.

A great opportunity for female entrepreneurs!
The yher Pacific Accelerator program is searching for the most ambitious, game changing, female-led impact ventures in the Pacific.
The program is offering an opportunity to female entrepreneurs to…

Digital Transformation in the Pacific: The Kava House, Vanuatu
Business Link Pacific (BLP) proudly supports business advisory professionals to reach a wider audience and connect with new clients. In Vanuatu, BLP has partnered with the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce…

Did you know?
The Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is a Statutory Body established in 1995 by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Vanuatu CAP 236 Act.
This legislation sets the structure of the…