Processes For Building Re-Occupation

The Vanuatu Government lead by Ministry of Infrastructure and Utilities and supported by donor partners has performed the initial rapid assessment of the majority of buildings in the Port Vila CBD or red zone. This initial rapid assessment has resulted in buildings being categorized as:

Category 1 – Dangerous: Unsafe and needing urgent action
Category 2 – Damaged but not dangerous
Category 3 – Not damaged

To look up the status of your building, please see the information here and please see if you are INSIDE or OUTSIDE the RED CBD zone on this map. Note the initial rapid assessment is not a final assessment or right to occupy buildings. It simply enables prioritization which is important for ensuring that initial focus is on buildings that are a risk to public safety.

Category 3 –

Not damaged

Owners of buildings in this category are required to:

  1. Engage an engineer from the approved list found HERE and request a rapid assessment report of the building.
  2. Once you have your engineering assessment and assuming that it confirms your building as Category 3 Not damaged, ask the engineering firm to submit this to MIPU representatives Raviky Talae: or 5456811 or Junior Shim or 5300132.
  3. If your building is NOT in the red CBD zone, you may re-occupy your building after completing step b above. NOTE if you are NOT in the red CBD zone, you no longer need a re-occupancy certificate.
  4. If you are INSIDE the CBD red zone, you need to wait for your Zone to be cleared – this includes any and all Category 3 & 2 buildings to have been safely actioned and the area to have been deemed safe by MIPU. Once your zone is cleared, MIPU will seek approval from the Government for the zone to be opened. Zone clearance and zone definition plans are being made now and will be updated here once approved.
  5. Once the zone opening is approved and legislative steps are completed, MIPU will issue the 2025 occupancy permits back to the relevant engineering firms and they will provide them to the building owner. For the red zone buildings, only after this 2025 occupancy permit is received, and the zone is opened, may you work and operate from your building in the CBD.

Category 2 –

Damaged but Not Dangerous

The building can be repaired and made safe.

Owners of buildings in this category are required to:

  1.  Contact your insurance company if insured and agree claim process and engineering process with the insurance company.
  2. Building owners will need to engage an engineer from the approved list found HERE and request a detailed assessment report of the building including clarification on exact works required.
  3. Once you have your detailed engineering assessment, you will need a plan of repairs including details of contractors, timeline and works ask the engineering firm to submit the detailed assessment and your plan of repairs to MIPU representatives Raviky Talae: or 5456811 or Junior Shim or 5300132.
  4. Engage in the repairs as per the plan. Once key repair stages are met, your engineering firm will contact MIPU to sight, track and approve the works. Continue this process until works are completed.
  5. Once works are complete, ask your engineering firm to submit final engineering plan that demonstrates that your building is now a Category 3 building to MIPU.
  6. You then need to wait for your Zone to be cleared – this includes any and all Category 3 & 2 buildings to have been safely actioned and the area to have been deemed safe by MIPU. Once your zone is cleared, MIPU will seek approval from the Government for the zone to be opened. Zone clearance and zone definition plans are being made now and will be updated here once approved.
  7. Once the zone opening is approved and legislative steps are completed, MIPU will issue the occupancy permits back to the relevant engineering firms and they will provide them to you. Only after this 2025 occupancy permit is received, and the zone is opened, may you work and operate from your building in the CBD.

Category 1 –


Unsafe and needing urgent action

Owners of buildings in this category are required to:

  1. Immediately contact MIPU representatives Raviky Talae: or 5456811 or Junior Shim George: or 5300132.
  2. Either directly engage an engineer from the approved list found HERE, or ensure that your insurance agent acting on your behalf does so. Seek advice of engineer on plan for your building – confirming partial or full demolition. If your detailed engineering report would indicate that you are not a category 1 building liaise with MIPU contacts in step one on this.
  3. Assuming that partial or full demolition is required, download and complete your Port Vila Municipal Development Permit and tick the option ‘demolition’. The form can be found HERE.
  4. Complete your demolition plan including as much detail as possible on the methodology, contractor (including their contact), waste management and other considerations. Take your Development Permit and demolition plan to Port Vila Municipality who are located at the Port Vila Cemetery Municipal Workshop and/or contact Menses Fatdal on 7714272 or on to arrange a meeting to present your documents.
  5. Once all the required information is with Port Vila Municipal, they will convene the necessary meetings to achieve approval and contact you to pick up your demolition certificate etc.
  6. Once demolition is completed please contact MIPU representatives Raviky Talae: or 5456811 or Junior Shim George: or 5300132 to confirm that demolition is completed.
  7. Once demolition is done safely and the site is cleared for future use, you will be required to obtain a Building Permit from Port Vila Municipal for redevelopment.