Current Status CBD Buildings

The Vanuatu Government lead by Ministry of Infrastructure and Utilities and supported by donor partners has performed the initial rapid assessment of the majority of buildings in the Port Vila CBD or red zone. This initial rapid assessment has resulted in buildings being categorized as:

Category 1 – Dangerous: Unsafe and needing urgent action
Category 2 – Damaged but not dangerous
Category 3 – Not damaged

There are two steps to understanding what process applies to your building, these are;

  1. To look up the status of your building, please see the information here.
  2. Look to see if you are in the CBD RED zone on this map.

Please note:

The initial rapid assessment is not a final assessment or right to occupy buildings. It simply enables prioritization which is important for ensuring that initial focus is on buildings that are a risk to public safety. This is initial rapid assessment and was compiled under extreme circumstances. It is possible that buildings will change status once more information is available to the government authorities.


Owners of buildings that are classified as Category 1 Dangerous are implored to contact MIPU immediately to co-ordinate their plans for the buildings. This is a matter of public safety and we stress the urgency of communicating.

Please contact:

Raviky Talae: or 5456811.
Junior Shim George: or 5300132.

Next Steps

Please see this page for information on what next steps are to be taken by building owners depending on your building category.


Please see this page for frequently asked questions about the earthquake recovery.

Your Building Status

To look up the status of your building, please download and look at the information in this Excel spreadsheet.